Michael M. Magpantay
“As an Ink and Watercolor painter, I am inspired by the way my works feels to me…not the way it looks. I’m not a realistic painter, but I put as much detail as I can into my pieces. I also love photography and I sometimes use it as subjects. I paint because, I want to leave something behind…something which will inspire people.”
-Michael M. Magpantay
The self-trained PH INK Master of Ink and Watercolor, began with simple and dead end jobs as part of a fast-food crew, then in the call center industry; all while mastering his passion art and talent for drawing on the side.
That is, until two Austrian art lover’s discovered his drawings and paintings on-line. Magpantay was commissioned to draw for the two Austrians and his Gift became increasingly refined.
Now, The Michael Magpantay Studio is the Official Art Director in Abseits.at: Austria’s #1 on-line soccer portal. As well as, Official Artists to KA&CO America, the United States Executive Publishers of The Philippines Magazine International. In addition, his work has been seen in international magazines and his “Geisha” is the Masterpiece see on the face of The Philippines INK Professional Insurance Cards and ID’s, a national professional tattoo artists insurance program backed by Republic Insurance with Meralco.
Magpantay has thousands of drawing, and aspires to be one of the Philippines top tattoo artists someday. One is his greatest Masterpieces is now in a time capsule buried at SK Rapid Allianz Stadium in Vienna, Austria.
Michael M. Magpantay is a Pride of the Philippines.
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