
9 MILLION US EXPAT VOTES MATTER: Empowering the Global American Electorate

by The Philippines Magazine International

Greetings, fellow expatriates living in and traveling through the Philippines! Welcome to the heart of the matter, y’all! As we stand as a part of the 9 million Americans living abroad, it’s crucial that we, the expatriate community, step up and engage in the political process. That’s why we’re thrilled to present “The EXPAT VOTER’S Guide” – a comprehensive resource designed to navigate the complexities of American politics and empower our community to make informed decisions.

Our Guide’s Purpose:

Friends, let’s get down to business. Our guide is a testament to our commitment to addressing the issues that deeply impact our lives, whether it’s access to quality healthcare, economic opportunity, or educational equity. Additionally, with millions of expatriates living abroad, including here in the Philippines, it’s essential to ensure that all are informed and engaged in the political process.

9 MILLION VOTER’S STRONG: Empowering the Global American Electorate

With an estimated 9 million Americans currently residing abroad, the expatriate community forms a significant demographic that often holds sway in elections back home. These expatriates, scattered across the globe, represent a diverse array of backgrounds, professions, and perspectives. Remarkably, they maintain the ability to participate in the U.S. electoral process, often exercising their right to vote via absentee ballot. This massive constituency serves as a crucial segment of swing-state voters, influencing outcomes in national, state, and local elections. Particularly noteworthy is their impact on local elections, where their absentee ballots can significantly shape the political landscape. As pivotal players in the electoral arena, Americans abroad amplify their voices from afar, ensuring that their interests and concerns are duly represented in the democratic process.

25 Issues Facing Americans Abroad and Impacting Change Back Home:

  • Ensuring the safety and security of Americans living in foreign countries
  • Impact of global economic trends on expatriate finances and investments
  • Advocating for fair taxation policies for Americans living and working abroad
  • Access to affordable international healthcare and its influence on healthcare debates back home
  • Unemployment rates among expatriates and its implications for domestic job market policies
  • Challenges with finding suitable and affordable housing abroad and its relation to housing policy discussions in the U.S.
  • Addressing economic inequality and income disparities affecting Americans abroad and back home
  • Quality and accessibility of international education options for expatriate families and education reform efforts in the U.S.
  • Impact of immigration policies on expatriate rights and its connection to immigration debates in the U.S.
  • Climate change and environmental sustainability efforts abroad and their impact on U.S. environmental policies
  • National security concerns and terrorism threats abroad and their influence on U.S. foreign policy decisions
  • Social security benefits and retirement planning for expatriates and its relation to retirement policy discussions in the U.S.
  • Infrastructure challenges and maintenance issues in foreign countries and their relevance to U.S. infrastructure investments and policies
  • Taxation policies and rates for expatriate income and investments and their connection to tax reform debates in the U.S.
  • Substance abuse and mental health support services for Americans living abroad and their relevance to mental health policies in the U.S.
  • Addressing cybersecurity threats and data privacy concerns for expatriates and their impact on U.S. cybersecurity legislation
  • Impact of trade policies and international relations on expatriate employment opportunities and their relevance to U.S. trade agreements
  • Advocating for improvements in elder care services for aging Americans living abroad and its connection to elder care policies in the U.S.
  • Promoting affordable childcare and family support services for expatriates and their relevance to family policy discussions in the U.S.
  • Access to nutritious food options and food security concerns in foreign countries and their relation to food policy debates in the U.S.
  • Gun control regulations and firearm ownership laws affecting expatriates and their relevance to gun control debates in the U.S.
  • Advocating for voting rights and political representation for Americans abroad and their impact on U.S. democracy reform efforts
  • Influence of expatriate experiences and perspectives on shaping U.S. foreign policy decisions and international relations
  • Ensuring fair and equitable treatment of Americans abroad and advocating for their rights and protections in foreign countries
  • Supporting initiatives for global peace and diplomacy and their impact on U.S. foreign policy priorities

This list highlights issues relevant to Americans living, traveling, dating, and investing abroad while emphasizing their potential influence on policy discussions and decisions back home in the United States.

Navigating Pressing Concerns:

Let’s take a closer look at the issues that concern us, from systemic injustices to economic disparities. It’s time to address these challenges and build a more equitable society for ourselves and future generations, whether we’re living abroad or traveling through the Philippines.

The Call for Action:

Expatriate Votes Matter – there’s no doubt about it. But here’s the deal: we respect your right to choose. Whether you’re undecided, leaning towards one party or the other, or even considering abstaining from voting altogether, the decision is yours to make. Our role is to provide information, answer questions, and facilitate meaningful dialogue.

The Call for Action:

Expatriate Votes Matter – there’s no doubt about it. But here’s the deal: we respect your right to choose. Whether you’re undecided, leaning towards one party or the other, or even considering abstaining from voting altogether, the decision is yours to make. Our role is to provide information, answer questions, and facilitate meaningful dialogue.

Closing Thoughts:

In closing, let’s embrace this opportunity to shape the future of our country. Let’s approach the electoral process with wisdom, integrity, and a commitment to justice. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and build a brighter tomorrow for all. Thank you for joining us on this journey – let’s make history together.

Blind Comparison: Trump vs. Biden

With a nonpartisan lens, we compared the two men side-by-side: the policies and legacies of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. We acknowledge the nuances of their approaches to addressing the challenges faced by Americans abroad, and we aim to provide you with the information you need to make your decision.

In the complex landscape of American society, Americans abroad navigate a multitude of challenges and opportunities that shape their daily lives. From economic fluctuations and healthcare costs to national security concerns and environmental sustainability, we contend with a broad spectrum of issues that influence our well-being and prospects for the future.

All-Inclusive Issues:

This compilation highlights the most prominent and pervasive issues facing individuals across the United States, transcending barriers of race, gender, and socioeconomic status. From government spending priorities to access to clean water and sanitation, these issues underscore the intricate web of interconnectedness that defines the American experience.

Trigger Warning. Our list of 10 reasons why Americans abroad might consider voting for Donald Trump is coming…

In the realm of political discourse, the decision to cast one’s vote for a particular candidate is often influenced by a myriad of factors, including ideology, policy positions, and personal beliefs.

  • Strong stance on national security and counterterrorism efforts.
  • Advocacy for economic policies that promote job growth and prosperity.
  • Commitment to reducing regulations and promoting small business growth.
  • Support for conservative values and traditional family structures.
  • Record of judicial appointments that align with conservative principles.
  • Efforts to address immigration reform and border security concerns.
  • Stance on trade policies aimed at protecting American interests.
  • Opposition to what some perceive as excessive government intervention in personal liberties.
  • Favorable views on Trump’s handling of foreign policy and diplomatic relations.
  • Confidence in Trump’s leadership and ability to navigate challenging global issues.

But, to be fair, here are 10 reasons why Americans abroad might consider voting for Joe Biden as well.

As the United States stands at a crossroads, the candidacy of Joe Biden represents a call to action for voters seeking a departure from the status quo and a path toward a seemingly more inclusive and progressive future.

  • Commitment to racial justice and equality, including efforts to address systemic racism and police reform.
  • Support for expanding access to affordable healthcare through measures such as strengthening the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
  • Emphasis on economic recovery policies aimed at rebuilding the economy in a way that benefits all Americans.
  • Promises of a comprehensive plan to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disproportionately impacted both domestic and international communities.
  • Proposals for increased funding for public education and initiatives to address disparities in schools.
  • Prioritization of climate change initiatives, which could benefit the global community and address environmental concerns.
  • Support for LGBTQ+ rights, including protections against discrimination, may resonate with Americans abroad.
  • Proposals for immigration reform measures that could provide pathways to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, including many living abroad.
  • Policies aimed at increasing affordable housing options and addressing housing inequality, impact Americans both domestically and abroad.
  • Emphasis on national unity and healing, appealing to voters who seek to bridge divides and promote inclusivity in American society.

Now, to be super-fair, here are 10 reasons why some Americans abroad might choose to abstain from voting altogether.

In the midst of a confusing and contentious election cycle, the decision to abstain from voting altogether emerges as a reflection of disillusionment, apathy, fatigue, or protest against the political establishment.

  1. Lack of representation: Some Americans abroad may feel disillusioned by the political system and believe that their voices are not truly represented by either candidate.
  2. Disenchantment with politics: Many Americans abroad may feel disenchanted with the political process due to broken promises, corruption, and a lack of tangible change.
  3. Feeling undecided: Some Americans abroad may feel undecided or apathetic towards both candidates, finding it difficult to choose between what they perceive as two imperfect options.
  4. Voter suppression: Historical and ongoing voter suppression efforts may discourage some Americans abroad from participating in the electoral process.
  5. Distrust in the system: Deep-seated distrust in the political system, fueled by experiences of discrimination and marginalization, may lead some Americans abroad to abstain from voting.
  6. Personal circumstances: Personal circumstances such as work schedules, caregiving responsibilities, or transportation issues may hinder some Americans abroad from casting their ballots.
  7. Lack of access to information: Some Americans abroad may lack access to reliable information about the candidates and their policies, leading to feelings of confusion or disinterest.
  8. Protesting through non-participation: Some Americans abroad may choose to protest systemic injustices and inequalities by abstaining from participating in what they perceive as a flawed system.
  9. Frustration with the two-party system: Discontent with the two-party system and a desire for more diverse political representation may lead some Americans abroad to opt out of voting altogether.
  10. Prioritizing local action: Instead of focusing on national elections, some Americans abroad may prioritize grassroots organizing and community activism as a means of enacting change at the local level.

Introduction to Common Ground Topics for Americans Abroad:

Surprisingly, in a nation often marked by deep divisions and polarized discourse, identifying areas of common ground between different racial and ethnic groups can serve as a powerful catalyst for unity and collaboration

List of Common Ground Topics for Americans Abroad:

These topics represent areas where Americans abroad may find common cause and shared interests, offering opportunities for collaboration and progress towards shared goals.

We are proud here in the Philippines, to be globally renowned for our welcoming and racism-free culture, there’s been a notable surge in Black American tourism, expatriates, and enthusiasts embracing the wellness lifestyle and savoring quality food.

With an apparent surge in what seems like a ‘Black American Amnesty Campaign’, where individuals are drawn to the Philippines for its positive atmosphere and opportunities, it becomes imperative to address the unique issues facing Black Americans. As we celebrate our rich culture and promote a positive lifestyle, it’s essential to recognize and acknowledge the challenges that Black Americans encounter both domestically and abroad.

By addressing these issues head-on, we have created a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.


Here’s a list of 10 political issues in the US that face Black Americans; that drive them, to consider leaving the US completely, or at least spending more time abroad:

  • Systemic Racism and Discrimination: Persistent racial inequality, discrimination in housing, employment, and the criminal justice system, and lack of accountability for police brutality contribute to a sense of injustice and push many Black Americans to seek refuge elsewhere.
  • Crime and Violence: High rates of crime and violence in certain urban areas disproportionately affect Black communities, leading individuals to seek safer environments for themselves and their families.
  • Economic Inequality and Opportunity: Limited economic opportunities, including disparities in wages, employment, and access to quality education and healthcare, drive many Black Americans to seek better prospects abroad where they perceive greater economic mobility.
  • Political Polarization and Divisiveness: Increasing political polarization and lack of progress in addressing racial and social justice issues create a sense of disillusionment and alienation among Black Americans, prompting some to seek more inclusive and welcoming societies.
  • Healthcare Access and Affordability: Challenges with accessing affordable and quality healthcare, exacerbated by racial disparities in health outcomes, push some Black Americans to explore healthcare options in countries with universal healthcare systems or lower costs.
  • Food Insecurity and Nutrition: Limited access to nutritious and affordable food in certain communities, coupled with concerns about food quality and safety standards, prompts some Black Americans to seek alternatives abroad where they perceive better food options.
  • Family Values and Social Cohesion: The breakdown of traditional family structures and erosion of social cohesion in certain neighborhoods due to economic hardship and social disinvestment contribute to a desire among some Black Americans to find communities abroad where they feel a stronger sense of belonging and support.
  • Educational Disparities and School-to-Prison Pipeline: Persistent educational disparities, including underfunded schools, lack of resources, and harsh disciplinary practices that disproportionately affect Black students, contribute to a sense of hopelessness and drive some families to seek educational opportunities abroad.
  • Environmental Justice and Pollution: Disproportionate exposure to environmental hazards and pollution in Black communities, as well as inadequate government response to environmental justice concerns, lead some Black Americans to seek environments abroad with cleaner air and water.
  • Criminal Justice Reform and Mass Incarceration: The ongoing crisis of mass incarceration, racial profiling, and disproportionate sentencing for Black Americans fuels distrust in the criminal justice system and motivates some individuals to seek refuge in countries with fairer and more equitable legal systems.

Addressing these pressing political issues in the US is crucial for retaining and empowering Black Americans, and failure to do so may result in more individuals considering leaving or spending extended periods abroad in search of a better quality of life and opportunities.

Welcome to the Philippines.

In closing…

As we wrap up this preliminary edition of the “9 MILLION STRONG…The AMERICAN EXPAT VOTER’S Guide” series, we want to express our gratitude for your engagement and support. Our commitment to addressing the pressing issues facing Americans abroad remains unwavering, and we pledge to continue diving deeper into these topics as we approach the election.

Stay tuned for updates and revisions to the guide, as we strive to provide you with the most relevant and up-to-date information. Additionally, be sure to check out our upcoming podcast, where we’ll delve into these issues with even greater depth and insight.

At this point, as American Expats, we must acknowledge that we are still finalizing our stance.

Nevertheless, we remain ‘Un-Decided’ when faced with the prospect of choosing between two weak options. Stay informed, stay engaged, and together, let’s pave the way for a brighter future for our community and our country.

Expat Voter’s Guide Presented by The Philippines Magazine International

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