Philippines Trailblazing Philanthropy Tourismh;
Billion Dollar New Emerging Market:
“Rich” Westerners Learn Life-Changing Lessons About Joy and True-Happiness from the Filipino People.
It is no secret that the United States is the world’s biggest and richest Mega economy. However, America is also, one of the world’s most-unhappy, highly-stressed, manic-depressed and suicidal cultures as well: plagued with racism, massive-stress disorders, a short-lived youth culture and a more-more-more, over-achieving, never enjoying ‘the now’ lifestyle.
Consistently leading, raising-the-bar and striving for greatness can take its toll on your health, life, family and quality of existence. The Philippines is taking advantage of this niche. Along with medical tourism, tattoo tourism and vacation tourism, Philanthropic and Immersion Tourism is emerging. A unique series of tour packages developed, by the first, Philippines American International Lifestyle Ambassador to show the power of Philippines non-racism, happy and hospitable culture.
Over the past few years, The US Executive Publisher of The Philippines Magazine International (PH MAG) and now, The Philippines American International Lifestyle Ambassador, Kareem Jackson, as part of his LIVE! On The Set Show, host a series of ‘True-Philippines Lifestyle Immersion Tours’ for philanthropists, tourist, investors and artists mainly from the United States.
Dr. August Leming; is a multi-award winning, internationally recognized, American expert in human motivation, behavior change, and performance psychology. He has been invited to speak at Yale University, Princeton University, and Williams College among many other of America’s most respected academic institutions.
Dr. August Leming has also worked around the globe, consulting with the Qatar-gas Company, in Doha, Qatar, City Fitness Group Ltd., in Porirua, and New Zealand. However, on his Philippines Philanthropy Tour, he was the one who was educated.
August Leming, Ph. D. recently authored his first book, “The Psychology of Coaching”, as part of an internationally recognized course in behavior modification and motivation. In an unexpected, eye-opening and life-changing attempt to gain an even deeper understanding of actual-joy and true-happiness, Dr. Leming explores one of the world’s happiest and most-hospitable cultures –and lives amongst the people for 8-days and 8-nights.
The Philippines; the world’s fastest-growing economy, big boom market, call center and BPO Mecca, and also home to some of the world’s poorest people –so they say.
“It’s a social experience, like no other in the world. They’re so happy! They have no money, nothing…and they want for nothing. To have a child give you (me) something which they do not have, that is the most memorable experience in the Philippines –and it happened more then once while was here (in the Philippines).” -Dr. August Leming in an exit interview obtained by The American Press Service (T.A.P.S.), before leaving the Philippines.
The US philanthropists were picked up from the Aquino International Airport, in a traditional Filipino jeepney; and their emersion tour began.
After a 2-day slow-Philippines immersion tour, where Dr. Leming was hosted in Cavite City, Philippines at the beautiful Carasuchi Villa-style Mansion Resort, where he enjoyed an immersion seminar, gourmet Filipino food, poolside valet and nearby Taal Volcano. Located in a celebrity-studded barangay neighborhood Carasuchi; voted one of the Philippines Islands best, family-friendly and cleanest barangays. Pinay Icon, Kuh Ledesma and her Hacienda Isabela Resort on one side and The Fire Queen, Rachel Lobangco’s Family E Ranch Wedding Resort just around the corner.
August Leming, Ph. D. could not have prepared for the next stop: shanty slums in Quezon City, Philippines, where –by his surprise- he would be bonding, eating and living for a 2-day and 1-night immersion tour.
The Philippines Magazine, had set-up this trailblazing first of-its-kind Philanthropy Tour, not for ‘the poor’ Filipino families, as you may think. On the contrary, the Philanthropy Tour is designed for the inherent-benefits to the seemingly-rich guests.
Like in the blockbuster movie, ‘Eat. Pray. Love’ with Julia Roberts, who plays a highly-successful New York City writer, who –like most-Americans- are trapped in debt, deadened relationships, the entrapments of wealth -without happiness and unhealthy stress.
Publishers of The Philippines Magazine International, along with US Embassy, Malacanang Palace, a US NFP, and over 100 volunteers, staff and host families ‘created a situation’ wherein which, guests could learn life-changing insights, from poor, but happy families. Unlike many Philippines tours, where the seemingly-poor and/or under-privileged are put on display, desolate-looking and seeking assistance.
With a Zen-type, optimistic-perspective; in this situation, the financially- ‘poor’ were the teachers. The ‘rich’ were taken through tear-jerking, aw-inspiring and self-assessing true-life Philippines scenarios that would change their lives forever. August, and the others would return home to the West, rested and inspired. An entirely new vacation concept in which tourists return exhausted, dreading and often times, in more debt.
The Philippines Magazine International, set out to prove, that like Julia Roberts realization in Bali, the Philippines, their people, kind and hospitable culture, as well as their happiness, could turn around the lives of Westerners who were truly open to learning. If you surrender and refrain from judgement, release your ego, re-evaluate your value systems and enjoy ‘the now’ you will be forever healed.
Philippines Tourism is now more than just business, vacation, high-conversion rates and medical procedures. The True-Filipino Culture, is getting more and more admiration. Foreigners are finding that when you leave the resorts, 4-star hotels, tourists spots, the concrete cities, nightclubs and live a true-Philippines lifestyle, their ability to love, experience joy, bond and appreciate life, family and their community is inspiring.
August Leming, Ph. D., gives an in-depth, insightful account of his Philippines experience. His paradigm shift may surprise you. Enjoy.