Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your seats and get ready to be blown away because the stage was set on fire when...
From Kansas City to the Philippines, Kareem Jackson’s Journey of Entrepreneurship, Diversity, and Black Creative Excellence. Kansas City’s very own Kareem Jackson...
The Passport Rich Revolution: Escaping High Costs, Crime Rates, and Mental Health Concerns The Passport Rich movement is revolutionizing the way Americans...
3 REASONS FARM TOURISM IS BOOMING -RIGHT NOW! Summer and Tourism Season is upon us, and we are all looking for vibrant...
This is it. After journeying halfway across the world, I’m finally face-to-face with the Maasai warriors who will initiate me. It’s a...
First and foremost, we want to thank the Philippines Department of Tourism (PHDOT7), Ramyer Travel & Tour, and CEBU Pacific Airlines for...
“Empowering Bohol, Philippines! An Immersion Tour into the True-BOHOL Lifestyle is exactly what the doctor ordered.” -Kareem J. A. Jackson, CEO &...
#BLACKLIVESMATTER #PHBLACKAMERICANGETAWAYS “Black America We Love You. Our Prayers Go Out To You…When You Need A Vacation, You’re Always Welcome Here In...
Philippines Trailblazing Philanthropy Tourismh; Billion Dollar New Emerging Market: “Rich” Westerners Learn Life-Changing Lessons About Joy and True-Happiness from the Filipino People....