Join us as 10,000 souls haunt Halloween! All treats no tricks today – buy a ticket NOW to SAVE 43% with the biggest and the badest HOWL-loween this October 31st @3PM! It’s gonna be the best and most exciting music festival this 2022 and we don’t want you to miss out on this!
This year, ten thousand souls will gather to haunt Halloween with local artists such as Bamboo, Gloc-9, Mayonnaise, ShantiDope, Magnus Haven, Nik Makino, Ron Henley and biggest DJs Marc Marasigan, Patty Tiu, Katsy Lee, and X-Factor!
Halloween Howlers Manila is the next biggest haunting and rocking destination! Experience Haunted House, BMX, Skate Park and Hiphop Dance Competitions, and win over P90,000 in prizes for the Best Halloween Costume!
Secure your tickets now at www.halloweenhowlers.com or at https://smtickets.com/events/view/11446
#HalloweenHowlers#VamosPh#MakatiCircuit#JoinUs#biggestfestivalHalloween Howlers Manila