Join us this Saturday for an enchanting celebration of Filipino heritage and creativity.
The King and Queen of Singkaban pageant is back, showcasing the elegance of traditional Filipino attire and the extraordinary talents of our candidates.

This event is more than just a pageant; it’s a tribute to our culture’s richness and the dedication of our candidates. Your presence will inspire and uplift them as they embody the spirit of Filipino tradition.
Experience the beauty of traditional Filipino costumes, breathtaking performances, and the unity of our community. Bring your loved ones and mark your calendar for a memorable cultural experience.
#SingkabanFestival2023#HariAtReynaNgSingkaban2023#LoveBulacan#DiscoverFunInBulacan#BulacanBabalikBalikanSmart Communications, Inc.Tengco Group of StoresNLEX CorporationKatrionn Wellness and Beauty CenterKlir Waterpark Resort & HotelsBuena Panadera Food ProductDanbam Unlimeated Grilling Station BalagtasPHACTO BulacanProvincial Government of BulacanDaniel R. FernandoVG Alex Castro