Kerwin Caballero
Hometown: Cagayan de Oro City
Favorite Thing: iPad
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Twitter: KerwinCavalier
Kerwin is a ramp model who had the Philippine fashion
Week under his belt. With a natural alternative timbre,
it's no surprise he comes from a family of singers and
musicians. He used to participate in school singing
contest, glee club and even had a college rock band.
Toff Guela
Visam Arenas
Hometown: Quezon City
Favorite Thing: Macbook
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Twitter: KristoffersonG
Toff is an assistan director and writer for TV and Film
productions. Once you hear him sing, there's no deny-
ing R&B and soul are his elements. A theater actor and
chorale member in high school and college, one can
easily understand his ease on and love for the stage.
Visam Arenas
Hometown: Quezon City
Favorite Thing: iPod
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Twitter: VisamArenas
Visam is a commercial model who has already ap-
peared in countless of TV spots in the Philippines. His
former voice coach from the Center for the Arts, Je-
rome Vinarao, describes him as an aspiring singer who
experiments, taking all risk to get what he wants. But
he is also talented, sophisticated, creative and funny
rolled into one.